Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who is the 80's punk rock band?

who is the 80's punk rock band...that has a female singer with blonde hair (with a pink stripe in it). She wears a mini skirt in the video. I know it is not much to go on but it is driving me crazy.

Who is the 80's punk rock band?

Missing Persons...I was just a tiny kid but I loved their music. She had that crazy Brooklinite, futuristic robot thing going in her voice.

Who is the 80's punk rock band?

The band is Missing Persons, known mostly for "Destination Unknown"; "Words" and "Walking in L.A."

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I'd say hip-hop. Punk rock is alright but I don't hate it as much as I hate the goth look.

Punk rock is kind of not my think with the

spiky hair

coloring your hair

The goth look is kind of tacky to me,come on only wearing black.

Im not all about the hip hop look,but punk rock and goth make the hip hop look pretty classy.Hope I did'nt offend anyone,just speaking my mind.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

Rock Goth put together. I think just about anyone dressed like this is sexy male or female. Tattoos and percings are the hottes thing.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I say hip hop. I think its the best. U match and u can mix with all kind of styles and it looks good

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

Hip Hop you dont stop.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i like punk rock

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I like the punk-rock and hip hop look but i dont have either i just have my won style

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i personally love rock and not too much of anything else

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

the hip hop look is the sexiest and best look

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

The goth look all the way, although I do like some parts of the punk look...ooh, like the spiky hair. Love it, but overall I'd go with goth.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i am pretty preppy looking but i like punk rock,

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?


Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

Just be yourself dude.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?


Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i don't know if i prefer punk rock or goth, but certainly the one that i really don't like is the hip hop look

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I would have to say a mix because sticking to one is not me. I dont want to look like a hip hop video ho, but I dont want to look depressed, but I dont want to look like I have done nothing with my life so i would have to say mix it up to look good and stable.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

according to the person some look hot hip hop some look better punk. I personaly like a mix between prep and punk kinda look.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

F**K em all i mean really do you wanna look like you just robbed a liquor store or an Emo or even worse a satanist?!! man dont idol looks

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I'd say a unique look is the best. Someone that doesn't follow a style.

Trying to conform to a stereotype is boring and people like that tend to look like every advertisement promoting that particular clothing brand.I'd rather not be a walking ad for a brand of clothing.

People that follow the crowd often get lost in it.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I think goth is way sexier.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I'd have to say that the look I would prefer would be the conservative look. This look makes you look intelligent and shows alot of class. You can even look sexy dressed conservative. You are more likely to be treated with respect and be listened to and nobody could judge without getting to know you because they wouldn't be able to tell what kind of person you are.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

All those tribes are good lookin' in their own peculiar way.I admire the punk rockers for their unique decor,but I wouldn't wear any of the three because I'm just a normal"rocker",myself.I do love the look of the Goths,they are perfect in all their lovely looks-Vampire perfect.The rappers maintain a clever blend of denim w/ undershirts and Gold chains,the wealthy poor.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

hip hop all da way...i think its really cool and lets u express urself

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?


One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

bit of a shallow question, but I'm just curious. do you prefer dark, mysterious, sexy brunettes? cute blondes? fiery redheads? jet black? punk vibe? multicoloured? all answers welcome... and also, does hair colour or style really make a difference to whether you are attracted to a girl?

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Your hair color should accent your eyes. Guys don't care too much about hair, but eyes can be seductive. Go get em!

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Blondes =)

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Blonde hair please

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Brunettes if it's natural

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

I prefer brunettes; blondes have gotten a really bad rep and I think that redheads are too bitchy.

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

I luv brunettes w/hazel eyes......

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

redheads , jetblack and sometimes greenheads last one doesen`t look good on every1 .. depends

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Brown mainly. I don't like black, it's to over powering. As for blonds, the reign of "Dumb Blond Jokes" has preceded them. If I can have a rational and logical conversation with you, I don't care what color your hair is. Every blond I have been with, has been even stupider than the one before...

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

I prefer the sexy brunette personally if I had to chose but I'm not that fused on a girls hair colour. Their personality is more important than the way they look.

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

curly haired brunettes mmmmmmmmmmmm

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?


One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

In general, hair color is not a major factor in my decisions. I mean, why care about something that you're born with, even if you can change it? Its just not a paticularly big thing in my opinion...

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Brunettes, although I'd sometimes make an exception for a red-head.

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

Gentlemen prefer blondes.

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

jet black

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

its the hairstyle for me more than the colour. for a start hair has to be long. can be wavey, curly, straight or anything as long as its nice. not fussy on colours but my favourites would be defined colours such as dark black, bright blonde or a fiery redhead.

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?

black, brown, highlights with brown and black or black and blonde, or really light blonde. or auburn. I would prefer any color, actually. Nothing too red or too unnatural looking (a few streaks of unnatural color looks good, though).

One for the guys: which hair colour do you prefer?


Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

I want to be punk but idk how. idk any websites that sell punk ( NOT GOTH) clothes. Also idk how to do my hair. If anyone has any websites or hairstyles or anyhting it would be appreciated.

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

check these out, my friend...

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

U could where dark makeup and stuff. But other than that i don't know. sorry good luck though =)

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

some punk kids wear surf and skate brands..try or im trying to be half punk half prep so yeah lol

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

Most "punk" people dont look any differnet than normal people but they just wear band shirts

if you wanna be the stereotypical punk a mohawk died green eyeliner peircings, tight bandshirts and pants and vans slipons and a scene looking belt

basically just go to hottopic

imo stereotypical punks are gay

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

Well, wear what your comfortable in. Punk isn't just a style. it's about freedom and rebelion. it's whatever you make it to be. it's not conforming to stereotypes and other people's idea of what you should be. once you understand this, you'll know exactly how to look.

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

Really being punk is not caring what other people think of you. Wear something original, I used to wear a boyscout shirt that I found at the salvation army with a baseball shirt ( the ones with the colored arms and colored ring around the neck). Really just don't wear what everyone else is wearing, but beware, they may start to look at you a little funny at first.

Some "punk" people wear dickies, pacsun, hot topic, etc. You can also get temporary hair color to put cool colored streaks in your hair. I've tried orange, and magenta, looked cool. I don't suggest dying your hair black. I did and it turned gray after a little while, and had to bleach it to get the black dye out. Hope this helps.

Does anyone have any ideas to be punk?

black eyeliner, mohawk or liberty spikes, leather jacket with pins of different punk bands on it, a t-shirt with a punk band or Anarchy A on it and alot of saftey pins.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

I have kind of a scene/emo style, and my mom hates it. When i said I wanted to get my hair cut, she goes "I'm Not paying for you to go get your hair cut all crazy again with bangs in your face. You look like a bad imitation of an ugly punk rocker boy." When first off, I only got my hair cut to my shoulder (its been long for like my whole life) And I have gotten so many compliments on my hair from EVERYONE in my school, and everyone thinks I'm very pretty. Then when she dropped me off at the hair place she had the nerve to say "make us proud" and I seriously wanted to turn around and tell her how horrible she is to me and how no matter what I do, and even though i get straight A's in school, and am a very good athlete . . . for some reason she will always find something wrong with me. . . . how can I get her off my back and live my own life. . . and why does she hate me so much? And i know she does hate me, so please don't say that she probably does'nt.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

pay for your own hair cut/move out get a job life is not all it's cracked up 2 be

she does hate you,but just remember you will have a kid just like you if you live long enough to grow up

My mom and my hair and my style.?

She doesn't hate you. She just thinks you use poor judgment with your dress and hair and possibly makeup.

As long as you are under her roof and she is paying for things then you need to tow the line for her.

When you are on your own, have a job and your own place then you can wear the weirdest clothes and hair you want.

My parents also did this to me. I got out of their house as soon as possible and have been happy ever since. I loved them but they were way too strict on me and it made our relationship bad for years after I left home. They have been dead a long time now, I miss them but I do not miss their constant criticism.

I am over 60 so this is not a new thing for your generation.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

love her for what she is, cause you know she loves you!!!

My mom and my hair and my style.?

she doesnt hate u...if u r pretty, y r u trying to hide ur face...tell u the truth i dont like those emo cuts

My mom and my hair and my style.?

i feel what ur going thru, and my mom doe the same.... she always has to criticise me or what i do. i'm sorry cuz i cant give any advice, cuz i need it myself!

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Okay. Why would she hate you because of your HAIRSTYLE hun you gotta think of the logic. Emo style on girls IS kinda stupid and ugly... getting compliments doesn't exactly they like it either.. right?

so what'd you get done at the end anyway?

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Sorry, but your mom is probably going to be controlling and bossy your whole life (mine is..). But she doesn't hate you, that's just her way of trying to raise you as to be a responsible, ethical, useful and potentially employable member of society. She loves you, really! And remember, one day you can tell her how much you appreciate her...from six states away! :-D

My mom and my hair and my style.?

the best way is just wait to u are 18 years old then u can do what u want with your hair

My mom and my hair and my style.?

sit down and talk with her about that and tell her u think she hates u

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Moms are very protective of their kids. You will find this out when you have kids some day. She probably wanted you to keep your hair long , but I say change is good. Talk to her about how she makes you feel, maybe it is not intentional. Congrats on the straight A's and being athletic!! Remind your Mom you are doing positive these things and not on drugs and etc. LOL

My mom and my hair and my style.?

You can get her off your back by continuing to get straight A's until you get a full-ride college scholarship and then finding a job in a distant city.

As far as what her problem is, it would probably take a lot of money and a good shrink to discover that. Usually it has something to do with how the parent was treated when they were a child...we all learn how to parent from our own parents, so good and bad parenting skills tend to be "inherited" tendencies. Some parents think they are conveying their pride in you when they criticize you; others are just abusive.

Regardless, while you are a minor and living in her home, you won't be on an equal enough footing with her to challenge her behavior - if you push back, she will likely just attribute it to an adolescent tantrum.

Find other role models among adults who do admire and respect your gifts - teachers, coaches, religious leaders, friends' parents, and so on. Eventually you'll be old enough to open a dialogue with your mom about why she feels compelled to treat you as she does and what might need to change in order for your relationship to be a healthy one. Seeking some advice from a reputable therapist before going down that road is probably a good idea.

Good luck.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

The only way is to turn 18 and shut her out of your life if she continues to put you down.

I think what she said was very hurtful and mean-spirited. You're beautiful and your her daughter no matter what your hair looks like. That should make her proud.

Stay strong and true to yourself. Don't do anything to impress anyone else. You will be loved as is. :)

My mom and my hair and my style.?


my cuzins mom is like urs she went and toled her mom

how she felt about her hair and sooo then then she explaines i only have one life and i want to li ve it the mom paid for everyting after that,clothes,haircuz ECT.

u juts have to say mom i wantt________then

sayi dont feel like im getting loved because i try my best and it seems like ur neveer satyisfied.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

ok, its not your fault. honestly, im sure she DOESNT hate you, but maybe hates the style ur into. she knows u better than u know urself, and im sure she thinks u need to modify ur style a bit. she knows this style ur into is just a phase, and u deserve to be prettier. the only way ur gonna live ur own life and get her off ur back is by growing up, and moving out, when ur 18, she has NO SAY in what u do. until then, show ur mom how mature u are by COMPROMISING with her on a hair style u'll both love! that will impress her, and might prompt her to start giving u more freedom in ur decisions.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

You don't sound like the kind of person that would actually take any reasonable advice (If you honestly believe your mom hates you because of the way you cut your hair) but my advice would be: sit down, talk to her. Ask her why it matters how you do your hair, when you're still doing well in school and sports and everything. It's your way of expressing yourself, and you need to make sure she understands that. You didn't mention how old you are, but I'd guess mid-teens, so you're old enough to be determining your own style. But if you don't explain this to her, parents have this nasty tendency of not figuring it out.

And if she still ignores you after you try to explain, don't rebel too much. She is paying your bills, and if she thinks it's an insult or whatever to have your hair really short, then find some other way of being yourself.

My mom and my hair and my style.?

Well, first off, if your mother doesnt like it and YOURE paying for it, i dont really see the problem if you intend on cutting it anyways. Second, the fact that youre calling it "scene and emo" and stereotyping yourself (not to mention calling yourself pretty)only allows others to do so as well, especially the person who went through pain to have you. Youre taking this space as a blog in order to vent, and i think thats fine, but please give us some real issues to talk about and work out. I dont want you to get me wrong, i have a LOT of friends that describe themselves as "emo, scene ", pretty or whatever. Many call me that too, seeing as i dress in black and i have my hair cut that way as well (and Many more characteristics, the eyeliner, the nails, the attitude, the "look"), but i dont ask how to get my mother off my back to yahoo answers just for that. Wait till you get some devastating issues before you ask something because you might even sound shallow. You know your mother best, so you would have to get her, in your own way, to understand the "age" youre going through and what YOU want right now.

Can I put temporary hair color over my permanent highlights?

For Halloween I'm going to be a goth/punk rocker (sorry for labelling, lack of better words). I'm going to spray streaks of temporary hair color in my hair that washes out in the shower.. but i already have permanent non-bleach highlights. When I wash the temporary streaks out, will my permanent streaks that I sprayed on top of fade, change color or be stripped out? If it's not a good idea to put the color in, do you have suggestions of punk hairstyles where i do not have to damage my hair?


Can I put temporary hair color over my permanent highlights?

i don't think thats such a good idea! i say it'ld be best if you well i don't know! you should either stay with your natural color or go with the temporary and then put fake highlights over that!

Can I put temporary hair color over my permanent highlights?

Well, i have not dyed my hair, but i do do a lot of reading beauty magazines, and if you bought the product to make it temporarily last a few hours, it will all wash out when you take a shower and no damage will be done.

Can I put temporary hair color over my permanent highlights?

Tt shouldn't strip your highlights. Wash out sprays are made to wash out of your hair without damaging your hair or perminant colours in your hair. If you really are worried though perhaps wear a wig???

Were is a good place to get a hair cut( i live in south carolina)?

i need a good place that does not cost to much but they do a really good job at cutting hair. i am trying to aim for a punk hairstyle and not a lot of people that cut hair can do that.

Were is a good place to get a hair cut( i live in south carolina)?

hop in your car, stop at a gas station, filler up, come to ohio, find your way to lakewood. Find a street called Detroit. Find your way to around w.135 %26amp; detroit rd. and there is a place called Mlords for Hair. Go there and you will not be disappointed! lol

Were is a good place to get a hair cut( i live in south carolina)?

Look up Grooming in your local yellow pages. Be sure to find one that includes extra pampering. Good Luck

Photo of short girls hair?

I'd like the length shorter than chin, I'm into punk rock but not sure if I want my hair cut to be. The best i have so far is:

Photo of short girls hair?

Try a bob like Naomi Campbell's, very short, blunt edged, then dye it black and streak it with amber or dark brown. Maybe mess it around with gel for a spiked look. Not my thing, personally, but tres edgy to be sure.

Photo of short girls hair?

Here's another idea:

This bob w/ shorter, baby bangs would be cute too:

Photo of short girls hair?

Photo of short girls hair?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

Photo of short girls hair?

Lots of options at

Hot guys with long hair?

would you like a girl thats punk? and how many hotties out there have long hair that goes up to their shoulders or a lil bit shorter?

Hot guys with long hair?

Defidently. My hair goes up to my shoulders right before I get a haircut. Right now its almost there.

Too bad im not a hottie though

Hot guys with long hair?

you mean like me? oh yea

Hair advice? Help?

Alright, so I can of have a 'punk' style with what I wear and such, and my hair is almost shoulder length with layers, and my bangs kind of go sideways across my face since my hair is parted on the side. Well, I REALLY would like to get it colored black and red, or maybe just such a dark brown that it looks like black. Right now it is brownish red, but it's pretty light colored and the red is fading. Does anyone possibly have any good pictures of girls with red and black hair? I was thinking black on the bottom and red panels over it and on the bangs and such. I just can't find a good reference picture or anything to take to my hair stylist. I guess I just want something pretty bold that stands out. =)

I'm open for any advice, and I've got all day. =)

Hair advice? Help?

get spikes

Long hair heeps of short layers need pics!?

Hey im getting my hair cut tomorrow and i'm really nervous because im afraid that they will make me look like a christmas tree

need pictures of long haired people with really layered hair with short layers

without looking emo or too punk

and any thick heavy swept fringes



Long hair heeps of short layers need pics!?

here you go hope this helps...........

Long hair heeps of short layers need pics!?

Long hair heeps of short layers need pics!?

hey yeh i think i have hair like that its short at the font but not a fringe and it really long here's a picture of me...

as you move along there's more!!!

What colour should i dye my hair?

I have a dark ginger/auburn hair colour and i want some crazy emo/punk coulors at the bottom. Any suggestions for the colour? Please help!

What colour should i dye my hair?

Get 2 colors with like pink and black. HOT PINK. it's hot.

What colour should i dye my hair?

Bleach the whole underneath part really, really blonde. Then do streaks of like red, pink, dark blue, ect.

Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?

i need pictures, i want to cut my hair REALLY short, but I want to keep my punk / emo look. can you guys give me some decent sites or pics?

Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?

Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?

I know!!!

they are awesome

same guy in the 1st pics the singer

last one is the bassist

they change their look like chameleons

there are 3 more members but I excluded them

If you wish to see more pictures of them let me know and I will gladly pass you some links ^^ Report It

Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?


Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?

that site has a few on.

Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?

dont go short if you've got a round face, you'll regret it. And if you have pictures from when you have short hair you'll regret it forever!!

Any advice on razored / punk / emo cuts that fit a round face?

How do i get my hair like this guys? [[link inside]] [[mindless self indulgence]]?

here idk if ur a fan, but i am going as a punk skelton for halloween, how do i get my hair like jimmy urines from mindless self indulgence..?? heres the link hes the guy with the big green pants my hair is longer then his...and im a girl...

How do i get my hair like this guys? [[link inside]] [[mindless self indulgence]]?

ummm sorry i dont know but i love mindless self indulgence!!!!!! X_X

How do i get my hair like this guys? [[link inside]] [[mindless self indulgence]]?

knox gelatin. really, it holds way longer than gel would.

i used to know how to liberty spike but not anymore. =( haha sorry. but i know the gelatin holds a lot longer than the gel.

Does anyone have any good hair advice??

ok im your typical punk/emo chick, but i want to leave my hair down!!!! i dont like tying it up its just that it wont stay straight it keeps getting curlyy and my haird not even curlyy! i dont mind if its weavyy anywho how do i keep it straight??? i tried straightening my hair but it only lasts for about 15 mins depending on the wether any advice??

Does anyone have any good hair advice??

chop it off. shave ur head!! some girls with shaved heads look great! unlike britney

Does anyone have any good hair advice??


1) Get it permanently straighten.

2) Use shampoo and conditioner that has straightened chemical in it.

3) Use a spray that will lock your hair into place after you straighten it.


Does anyone have any good hair advice??

well, sometimes it depends if you have a good straightener or not. Garnier Fructis has sleek and shine anti-humidity hairspray, if you are worried about that. Or you could put straightening cream in your hair to help before you straighten it. My hair used to go back to curly, but i got a different straightener, and that basically solved it.

For a new straightener on the cheaper side, go to , then go to home---%26gt;personal care---%26gt;hair care

OR , in the search box, type 'hair straighteners' and then click on beauty in the margin

If you can afford to spend more money go to

I hope I helped a little!

Does anyone have any good hair advice??

first start out with some shampoo and conditioner. use a quarter size of conditioner or more. the brush ur hair blow dry ur hair down. get some detangle/straightening spray and then straighten ur hair.

How can I make my hair stand on end?

I am going to a party where i want to look like a punk - what is the best way to get my hair to stand on end and stay firm? I have heard egg whites hold hair well, but is this better then strong gel?

How can I make my hair stand on end?

Knox gelatin will work for liberty spikes, mohawks, etc...

How can I make my hair stand on end?

hmmm... i would say use some sort of strong putty, but do it with ur head upside down and let it dry, then use loads of hairspray upside down too.

How can I make my hair stand on end?

Try some products from Garnier. They have 2 products for holding hair very well and that's their: Fiber Gum Putty %26amp; Super Stiff Gel.

Pictures of short punk-like hairstyles...?

going dramatic, and cutting my hair... I need some websites for some ideas... short punk hairstyles for women. =)

Pictures of short punk-like hairstyles...?

Get a free Virtual Hairstyle. Upload your photograph, choose a hair style, print the picture for your hairdresser, or email your new look to a friend. Found it on

Pictures of short punk-like hairstyles...?

Try this website. They have wonderful hairstyles, all from UK salons. Of course, if you print out a picture and bring it to your regular hair stylists, they should be able to get the same results.

(Also, mind your face shape. Some faces don't look good with short hair.)

Pictures of short punk-like hairstyles...?

virtual hairstyle helped me a lot

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

i love coon tails but i don't know wut color to do them in. also, if there are any punk/ scene chicks out there that knows a good place to get a cut and wild dye done please tell me! here's a few pics of amazing hair: -any1 know how 2 do this??? - THIS ONE'S SICK!

so yeah! if any1 has tips on how 2 get it like this or anyhting let me know!

i have like a no special cut style, it's dyed dark brunette on the bottom layer with light blonde on the top

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

I can't see the pictures. But coontails are super easy to do. If you do them at home just put masking tape around the pieces of hair you arent dying. And put a dab of dye on your fingers and work it into the hair your dying. Just a warning though if your going for 'crazy' colours they do take alot of work to maintain and you will need to make sure you take super good care of your hair. When you go to the stylist just take in pictures and yeahh I mean I usually just leave it in the hands of my stylist and tell her which colours I want. Hairstylists also will do coontails but I've never gotten the really 'thin' stripes done at a stylist cause they just do them brush style.

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

I would say they are all really cool, but my computer won't let me see them =/ sorry.

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

the links don't work........sorry.

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

my computer wont let me see the pics...

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

sorrryy cant see tha pixx..

but i kno how much i LOVE punk hair styles

ther awsome!!!! %26amp;%26amp; ima punk chickk..

usually i just go to tha mall or sum. %26amp;%26amp; jus tell tha

hair dresser to make it choppy layers.%26amp;%26amp; some dyes..

my hair is bleach blonde with hot pink %26amp;%26amp; black highlights.

you could make one side one color %26amp;%26amp; tha other a totally

diff color!!! that would be sickkk.

but yeah i hope i helped! %26amp;%26amp; if you can get better pix

i could help out more!

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

i cant see the pictures :(

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

TyPiNg LiKE tHis doesn't make you look

'punk/scene' :

PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

|uhh yea hi your links dont work and im going to be selling coontails soon go to my proflie and look at my site thouhg myspace


PuNk/ScEnE/AmAzInG HaIr!!!???

the links don't work. try saving them to your computer then put them on tinypic or photobucket so we can see them


What color should I tip my hair this summer?

I want to tip my hair this summer. My hair is dirty blonde with a tiny tint of strawberry blonde. I hate the color pink but I love blue. I'm kinda a punk rocker. that's why I'm gettin my hair tipped to send the message out that u shoodn't judge people by the colors that they hav onm the tips of their hair.

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

hope your a CHIC because guys look gay with "tips"

if your a chic. i love the way pink or red looks with blonde hair..

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

I think it's cool,go ahead with blue.....

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

black thats good or purple or red?

What color should I tip my hair this summer?


What color should I tip my hair this summer?

go for orange or red. Summer is hot and they are both hot colors.

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

I think bright red would suit you. My daughter is about the same haircolor you are and red is the color that suits her most ( she's a punk too!)

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

i think blue would look great on your kind of hair

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

Well I think black is beautiful on fairer skin types, if your hair is naturally straw.blonde. But if your talking about an unnatural color, then try a dark burgandy color or deep green. I have black w/ forest green %26amp; I love it. Even though I have olive skin, I think it would look good on anyone. But if you're "punk rock" try every color out, who cares right?

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

Try bleaching the tips blonde - like a white blond. After that - the temp hair colors like blue or purple -pink, etc. will be brighter and you could even go somedays with no color -just blonde... and then do random tips of other colors. Have fun and good luck. I still think 12 is a little young to start this at though.

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

Do the tips drak brown or red

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

I absolutely LOVE blonde hair with black tips. So of course I say go for that :)

What color should I tip my hair this summer?

Black would be awesome on blonde. I "tipped" my hair a few weeks ago too and I love it.

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

I want to get my hair cut and i need halp on how to get it cut.. please tell me what you think i should do! I would like choppy layers, but not punk rocker. Im a prep and just need cute hair. Im also going to dye it so tell me what color...


Here are my pics:

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?



we look A LOT alike.

Anyway, umm...

I think it looks good now, but i understand that sometimes it just needs to change.

I like your bangs the way they are now, and your hair color.

But, if you were going to dye it, i MIGHT dye it blonde, but red would look cutee.!

You could also shorten it a FEW inches.

My hair was about as long as yours, and i got mine cut a couple weeks ago into a "inverted bob"

and i guess it looks okayy., but i rlly, rlly, miss my old, long hair.

but, i guess whatever, you like.

(These pictures arent of me, they're just ones that other ppl on answers have given me for hairstyles)

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

Maybe shorten your hair 4 inches and then having them layered would look cute.

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

I think if you are gonna cut it the A-line cut is cute

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

Id say choppy layers with either a fringe or a side sweep fringe.

then go for a darker colour hair cos that will bring out your eye colour more

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

i would get natural looking low or high lights and dont dye it. the color is nice. angled in the front, choppy layers but long layers, long enough to put up without random short stuff sticking out..

ask your friends.. or steal someone elses haircut =]

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

would be better to just have a head shots then the drama ones but any ways

dye it red

chop it short like a young wynonia ryder

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

is THAT you..?

nice hair!....



.. maybe..

i think yur hair colour's nice the way they are

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

you are gorgeous but you have a longer face, i don't suggest anything above the shoulders, maybe Eva Longoria has her hair cut

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

its not a great pic but i think its real cute hair cut

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

wow you are really pretty and i think some choppy layers would look great on you!!!! as for dying your hair, since you have those gorgeous blue eyes you should dye your hair blonde (probably golden blonde, just make sure it does not look fake!) =)

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

you are very beautiful. (: here are some suggestions:

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

I think you should go for a bob cut. For example the Rihanna cut

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

You are really pretty! If you are preppy, and want a change, then you could dye your hair a dark brown, or get low lights. As for cutting your hair, you could get it cut short, but no shorter then shoulder length. You could get straight across bangs. Or even a different color tip, like pink or blue or something. I'm not an expert, i am just giving my opinion.

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

the lenth is good but get more layers and dye it blond =]

STYLE MY HAIR!!!!! choppy layers?? pics!!?

first off I would just like to say that you are very pretty my dear.

Next off I would say the first step is identifying the shape of your face.

From your pics I would say you have a Rectangular or oblong face shape.

with that said the hairstyles that would exenchuate your features would be short %26amp; choppy styles. Possibly with bangs.

ie: ; ; ;

try to aviod the long %26amp; straight look. It will make your face look undefined and sloppy.

Hope this helps!

Emo hair?!?!?

okay so i like the whole emo hair thing, and i was thinking about getting this haircut

I'm not a poser and i like this cut 'cause it is more punk and less "scene"

i already have the black hair and bangs?

what do you think?

and don't tell me to "just be youreslf" because that is very me.

Emo hair?!?!?

i like it. i think it would look better with another color in ti, maybe some blonde. and maybe not as long either, i just dont perfer the strangly look on the ends, but thats just me.

Emo hair?!?!?

i think its hott

you should defiantly get it

Emo hair?!?!?

That's not emo hair. It's scene hair.

And scene hair is totally OUT. It's not cool anymore and it isn't fashionable or attractive.

Emo hair?!?!?

its looks cool but maybe thinner bangs but longer

Emo hair?!?!?

It's definitely more scene. If you want it, tease your hair a lot and maybe use some hairspray to make it stay.

Emo hair?!?!?

I think that haircut is awesome ....all i can say is GO FOR IT!

Emo hair?!?!?

this is awesome do it!

Emo hair?!?!?

i like it!

but it will be really tiring having to style it like that everyday...

Emo hair?!?!?

i think its so awesome i think im gonna get my hair cut like that

Emo hair?!?!?

Firstly, who gives a sh*t if its out of fashion, it looks hawtt, get it fer sure.

Remember it'd take like heeeps long to get it loooking like that but who cares it's raddd


Emo hair?!?!?

i like it you should get

I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

and if i have this hair style might i be called a emo punk and etc

I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

Well i read that there are ways to make your hair grow quicker than normal

umm i think that one way was to eat healthy because your hair will grow quicker .. but when i tell people that they are usually like noooooo i ain't eating healthy


I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

It depends how fast your hair grows and how long your hair already is. I just got a haircut yesterday where it's VERY short (though still cannot see my head.) I think it could be about 3-4 months before it's that long.

And yes, you probably will be called an emo or a punk.

I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

most likely you'll be called that lol

this depends on your kind of hair.

but roughly, i'd guess about a month or two.

I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

Theres this oil I know which helps to grow hair, it did for my daughter.

An oil used by geishas- its on this health site I go to for a specific product

I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

Hair grows on average a half an inch per month. If you take good care of it should grow with no problem. Oh, and one key word of advice; don't wait around for it to grow and measure it or stuff like that. Just take good care of it and dont "wait around for it to grow" One day you will look in the mirror and you will be like "wow, my hair has gotten long!"


I have short hair how long will it take to grow my hair this length?

hair growth, make your hair healthier and provide all the vital elements for fast growing, stronger, and beautiful hair.To Know more about your hair will help you

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat sho

i even had a haircut lady mess up my hair . and now i look like an emo/punk ( no offense ) .... AND ... i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ? HELP ME !!

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ?

go buy a flatteneing curling iron. it is easy and won't hurt your hair.

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ?

There are natural relaxers. but if even that is to much just use a Flat iron and some spray gel, my daughter is mixed and we straighten her hair all the time. We tried the chemical relaxer and it didn't take...But we are going to try another.

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ?

Use a hair hydrogen hair-straightener so it doesnt dry out ur hair. Or hair-straitening serum, harmless stuff. My g/f uses it.

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ?

Wavy hairs is caused by the sulphur molecules in your hair protein being bonded together. To straighten it you need to break these chemical bonds, like chemicals or heat. That about the only practical option.

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ?

use a frizease syrum, it works well

My hair is really wavy . i want it to be straight and healthy w/o using harmful chemicals... wat should i do ?

Use an iron bar; but treat your hair with natural oil every week to keep your hair healthy and strong. don't use it when your hair is wet.

I'm cutting my hair.?

and need some suggestions.

ok, i'm a guy, i'm 15,

i currently have medium lenght hair,

i would like people to notice my hair (in a good way),

i like scene/punk/rad haircuts,

i like to dress preppy, but skaterish at the same time,

so i tend to mix AE with Vans or something like that.

so any suggestions would be awesome.



I'm cutting my hair.?

hm. since you want people to notice your hair, i think these would be nice:

(on the left, brown hair)


hope i helped

I'm cutting my hair.?

try these :]

hope this helps

I'm cutting my hair.?

This looks good...

New hair styles with banges??

New hair styles with banges??

any ideas

not anything punk or emo

New hair styles with banges??

qo TO photobucket

and hit new hairstyles

or so to google

or just be cravtive looks aint everything

New hair styles with banges??

Straighten it! Like super smooth, flat, shiny hair!!

New hair styles with banges??


They've got some articles on there. Here's another tip. search if it's not on the regular page.

New hair styles with banges??

Bettie Page bangs are coming back!!!!!

I am doing more of them every week!!!

Side swept is very popular also

Good ideas for teen choppy layered punk hairstyles?

Okay so the deal is Im getting my hair cut tomorrow and I want it to look kinda layered and choppy and my hair is long. (I am keeping it long) Like punk, but not over dramatic.

More like short layers that you can SEE really well. Oh and like bangs that look pretty awesome too. If youve got a sweet hair style pic let me know. It would soo really help me.

Good ideas for teen choppy layered punk hairstyles?

Try searching 'scene hair', 'punk hair', or 'layered hair' at in the search =]

How to style my curly hair?

I have REALLY curly hair. like Shirley Temple curly. I am a punk and want to see if i can get a cool hairdo to go with my clothes.

I need to know what kind of gel and hairspray to use to get my hair to stand on end without smelling like egg whites and Knox gelatin. My hair is shoulder length uncurled.

How to style my curly hair?

Is it prerequisite to have straight hair to be a punk? Why not just creates something by separating into little blocks and have a bunch of dread locks? Be yourself and let the dead be dead.

How to style my curly hair?

If you really want it straight, you should get it chemically straightened

here is a site to show what you can do to straighten it temporarily and permanently:

How to style my curly hair?

I dont know, sounds like a lot of work to me. Why don't you get your hair professionaly straightened? Those new japanese methods dont damage your hair as bad. This way you can style it as crazy as you like. I have naturally curly hair and just my products and routine is long enough!! I can't imagine trying to get it stand!! Sounds like you need to change your whole hairdo!! Why not just shave it?? Isnt that what punks do these days?

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?

i want to know whier i can buy punk clothing like tight jeas and what kind of hair style right now i have a (color)dirtyblond skaterish hairstyle and thinking i should just leave it like that but idk and wondered do girls like guys in tight jeans

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?

Tight jeans look hot on skinny guys.

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?

YES, guys who wear skinny jeans are hot! with a tiny bit butt sag, lmao, it true, it looks so hot. and if they wear nike dunks or van, that's even better! lol

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?

try hot topic they have a web site too that u can buy from its my favorite store hope u find something u like. and on the guys in tight jeans def. we like to see a little butt.

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?

For tighter pants, you could start by shopping in the Junior's/Girls department for pants. Most girls think it's cute when guys wear tight pants. You can also get skinnier jeans at PacSun or Hot Topic.

For hair, I would go with a nice scene kid style, or just grow it out in the Skater Style of you haven't already. If you want a more edgy or punk hairdo, go for the fauxhawk.

All I can say to top it off is to go shopping for belts. Go for the ghetto-looking belts, or the classic studbelt.

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?


Look for Venice Skinny jeans at Pac Sun, Jasmine at Anchor Blue, Skinny 77's at Am Eagle, or look at Forever 21, Wet Seal, Aeropostale for their brands....

Urban Outfitters also has a bunch of tight or skinny girl's jeans that we really like. Even the straight-leg jeans are way better than any guy's jeans. They're softer and stretchy and hella cheaper too.

You can find some skinny or tight styles of sk8er's jeans too, but they're like $60-75, and sometimes need to be washed a bunch to make 'em soft....

Top them off with some girl's hoodies too, cuz there's only a few for guys that are slim, and if you get a small guy's one it has too much material and feels stuffy. Lots of girl's ones have good designs instead of hearts and flowers, and they look awesome with the skinny jeans and messy hair

Mine's just sort of rumpled, with a fist-size blond and red batch on the top behind my ear.... My gf did it for me and it's hella cool I luv her so much

Ok so i started dressing punk i sow my jeans tight but im tired of doing that?

well most punk mens clothing is baggy but a quick fix is to wear womens jeans measure yourself to see what size you where and ha have fun with it ps like anything it depends on how you where it cool for a boys jean to be tight but not skin tight its a turn on when a boy who dress punk to take risk it sets off that bad boy feel

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

this song has been on my brain for a million years and i still cant find the name to it.

all i know is the song goes in the chorus 'Balck coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! the boys are turing punk'

Its kinda ska/punk.

Help me!

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

It's by Rancid. Timebomb I think is the name.

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

Sounds a bit like "Sweet Gene Vincent" by Ian Dury.

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

Pretty sure it's "Timebomb" by Rancid but you got the lyrics a bit wrong.

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

Are you sure it isn't "Time Bomb" by Rancid?

"Black coat, white shoes, black hat, Cadillac...The boy's a timebomb."

It's from their "...And Out Come The Wolves" CD

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

I'm not too sure but it sounds like the lyrics from Freefaller. I don't know the name of the song though. Sorry.

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

Sweet Gene Vincent by Ian Dury and the Blockheads - brilliant

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

Timebomb, by Rancid.

I have that song... Although actually, the lyrics go "Black coat, white shoes, black hat, cadillac" I think...

Black coat, black shoes, black hair GET A LIFE! help me find the name to this song!?

time bomb- rancid

Hair Help, new styles?

Ok so im a punk emo, type chick....

And im tired of my hair, i have natuarally curly hair but i straighten it, but everytime i straighten it, gets really

realy poofy so its kinda. But its straight just big.

So what can i do with it? I wana look cute...What do i so with my hair?

Hair Help, new styles?

you can do what i did!!!!! i got a short cut and i put some color into it.....(turquoise) or any color you wish to have!!!!!

Hair Help, new styles?

Why don't you do braids on the side coming up into a mohawk that's a cute up to date punk elmo kind of style.

Scene hair.?

Alright i'm not going to post a pic due to creepers, but i have brown hair with black hair underneath and i am scene well kinda like punk scene and i want to get a scene hair cut.

is it possible to have short scene hair that is brown/black

right now i have naturlly curlly hair but i straighten it (yay!)

and it's about down to 2 inches below my sholders. I have short layers that end about middle of my ear and then the rest fall down.


mhmm thanks

Scene hair.?

check out these sites:

Need Punk Hairstyle Pictures For Hairstylist?

I Want To Get Me Hair cut and I want it to look kind punk emoish because im tired of people always think of me as the preppy stupid girl like in legaly blond or whatever cause thats not how i am so I want to change peoples view of me! I want to have my hair about shoulder length and not layers or very few layers and i want the bottom to be choppy and i want side bangs... I want to find a picture so i can show the hairstylist so she understand exacly how i want it to look! Thanks

Need Punk Hairstyle Pictures For Hairstylist?

Check out these links for Punk styles!



Good luck choosn' your new style!


Need Punk Hairstyle Pictures For Hairstylist?

well if you want to look punk emo then i would suggest dyeing your hair medium brown and wearing punk emo clothes. not dirasticly changing your style but maybe ocasionaly change your outfit to make it look good edgy and well prepared!!!lol! so if you want side bangs and chopped hair then go to a salon near you and tell then you want a half inch to an inch cut off and side bangs that you size yourself. than the people at school will make you look popular and cool at the same time!!!

Need Punk Hairstyle Pictures For Hairstylist?

i think this is what u described lol ingore the camera in the pic lol

Need Punk Hairstyle Pictures For Hairstylist?

idno like this or wat

%26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

Need Punk Hairstyle Pictures For Hairstylist?

Blonde hair with red highlights???

I have natural really blonde hair and I would like to add some red hightlights. I bought the Loreal wash out bright red and put in the under half of my hair. I liked it but it was really punk. I want something that looks WOW, different, but nice looking as well. Does any one have any suggetsions?

Blonde hair with red highlights???

if your hair is naturally blonde then you probably don't have much orange or red pigment for the tint to mix with... if you really want something natural choose a strawberry blonde tone...if you want something punchy use a copper tone

it is really difficult for natural lowlights to look good in light hair but it is possible

if you plan to do it yourself you can contact me and I can talk you through the do it yourself process... it's really not hard and just takes some coordination and a few supplies

Blonde hair with red highlights???

Try green lowlights.

Blonde hair with red highlights???

ew, highlights were so last year. keep the natural hair color girl.

Blonde hair with red highlights???

If you have really blond hair, the color may not have taken the way it should. I would suggest you go to your local salon. Some place that's aware of the new trends and knows how to deal with your hair. If you want a more natural look, you may want to try a stunning red (not plum or pink) with golden blond highlighs. ALWAYS ask the stylist what she thinks!!

Blonde hair with red highlights???

i say do whatever you like!!! you can always change it back. (even though it will do some damage, but to hell with it, it will grow back in no time!!) go ahead and reinvent yourself. you never know. maybe YOU'LL start a trend. (i know i have, and it's quite flattering too!!!)

Blonde hair with red highlights???

Um... try blue. Blue will stand out more than red because red is so goth and blue is just a normal color you know.

Blonde hair with red highlights???

Black high lights

Emoish scene hair pictures?

im tired of my hair being plain and normal. ive gotten less punk over the years and have mixed with emo. my hairs really thinck and long, and i want to keep pary of the back long and my bangs still long, but the rest in short uneven choppy layers. any sites with good pictures or a link to your hair if its like that so i can have so ideas. thanks.

Emoish scene hair pictures?

Scene hair is uber radd ay?

Try these:

The last one is my Favourite (:

Emoish scene hair pictures?

Hope this helps!

Emoish scene hair pictures?

I found this website from another question like this on yahoo answers so none of the credit to me.

Good luck!!

Emoish scene hair pictures?

Good question!

Scene Hair :

- I find this website is the best - it has hundreds of photos of scene hair, style tips and a list of things to tell your hairdresser (click on hairstyles down right side of website).

Good luck! :)

Jake xxx

Girls dressing emo/punk?

how can i dress mildly but not fully emo/punk? i'm a girl by the way... i have long dirty blonde hair with a sideish part but i'm getting it cut soon. what is the best looking way to cut my hair but and dress without going full blown emo/punk, just mild? i love the look but i don't know how to do it... i was thinking maybe side bangs? pictures if you would please! thanks

Girls dressing emo/punk?

check out this forum for "emo" info...there`s a bunch of "emo" hairstyles too...

Girls dressing emo/punk?

Try layering your hair choppy, but not short with side bangs. And you can wear black nail polish and black t-shirts with jeans without looking emo. You can also get the smokey-eye look going.

Girls dressing emo/punk?

Neither...Atheletic or Preppy

Girls dressing emo/punk?

AHH Come on don't go Emo ppl will just make fun of u... and say some $hit like go cut ur wrists....y won't u become a chick O-M-G THAT ALL RYMED



Girls dressing emo/punk?

Your a wanna be emo chick. I hate them. My friend Tina thinks shes emo, its so annoying. Youll know if your emo. You seem to happy %26gt;(

The avatar aint mine its a friends...I dont smile unless I am watching Comedy Central or Listening to music.

~Kim on Jazzs acc

Girls dressing emo/punk?

OK so I really dont like punk but I am sortof into emo. The key is wild colors that don't really go together or @ least you wouldnt think it would look good together. Like mustard yellow and tourqouise. or Brown, yellow and red! Just put on unmatching things!

Girls dressing emo/punk?

I'm glad you love the look. That's great for you. But your wardrobe should match your personality, not the other way around. If you decide one day "Oh. I'm going to dress emo today" people are gonna be like wow what a poser. and they're going to hate you for it.

Emo is not a style. It's a personality trait. Emo is short for emotional- I know, shocker! Don't try to be something your not. wow, corny. but true.

Girls dressing emo/punk?

If Emo is what you want to be, go nuts!! Have a ball expressing yourself, but that's what you need to do, express YOURSELF not somebody else. If you are looking for some ideas, search the net, there are heaps of pics and you can also find out a bit more about it before you go there. But ignore all the tossers having a go at the Emo style, its about you and how you want to portray and express yourself.

Girls dressing emo/punk?

Try layering your hair choppy, And you can wear skinny jeans. You can also get the smokey-eye look going.

Hair help any one?

any one have a good website to look at hair styles on?

i want to get a new hair cut like a medium choppy look kinda punk

Hair help any one? lets you try out all different colors and styles by uploading your pic.

Hair help any one?

Hair help any one?

try googling it.....that normally helps

Hair help any one?

Go to the type of salon that does that sort of look. Check out the way the stylists dress and that should tell you if you're in the right place. Explain what you want and they will be able to style your hair to your liking.

Hair help any one?

well go to hair on your search box

Hair help any one?

no. go to a a hair place. i dont know charrlees has a person for that.

Hair style help?

i need help. like i seriously need a hair cut and i want it like short punk like. something like this.

but like i cant find a picture of a real person with hair like that. please help. like short and layered and roundish looking in the back and longer in the front with half bangs or so

Hair style help?

i love short hair,i think that you must cut your hair for change the look.believe me that will be so nice.

by and kiss.

Hair style help?

thank you!!!

kiss %26amp; goodby. Report It

Hair style help?

Its not really a short hair cut. Get a mohican, they are cool.

Google William Gallas or Johan Djourou.

Hair style help?

I think Koreans have those funky hairstyles. look it up

Hair style help?

I would say these are similar to these:

Hope it helps! :)

Halloween costume = punk chick!! wat should i do??

for halloween i want to be a punk chick so wat should i do with my hair and makeup and wat kind of clothes should i wear??

Halloween costume = punk chick!! wat should i do??

well theres different ways you can do this. for example, you can wear fishnet leggins under a black or plaid skirt. wear a corset under a black, small hoodie.if not a corset, a long sleeve fishnet shirt with another shirt(short sleeve) over it. and wear army boots or converses.include a gothic belt and/or chain. bright red or black lip stick, lots of eyeliner. spray your hair black and put it up in a messy manner, put gel or hairspray in it.paint your nails black. or you can email me to get more ideas. this is coming from a punk chick herself. great costume idea BTW. =] but dont spend so much money if your only doing this fr one day. =]

Halloween costume = punk chick!! wat should i do??

balck. get spiky braceltes and necklaces. red lipstick. mohak ur hair. big boots

Halloween costume = punk chick!! wat should i do??

a nose stud, lots of earings( 4 on each ear). u needn't pierce, go 4 nice false ones.

streak u'r hair, tie a high pony.

wear thick metallic braclets or lots of colourfull rubber bangles on 1 hand.

a elbow biker stripped band on the other hand elbow

wear a tight t-shirt n a short denim or leather jacket on top of that.

a denim or leather skirt to match with it.

u can wear a stipped colourfull legging or stripped colourful big lenght socks n coloufel sneaker, pink /green/ blue /orange.

stun u'r frnds?

Halloween costume = punk chick!! wat should i do??

haha, that's what i'm doing too. i was gonna go to hot topic just to go get some clothes and accessories from there. but my friend said that they would kill me if they heard why i was buying the clothes, lol. but i'm not going there [for the clothes anyway, way too expensive...], i'll just make one myself kinda like the first chick that answered.

I have a winter formal tonigh; how should I do my hair?

I have a sexy back dress, It is a halter with thick straps, and i am wearing hot pink pointy-toed shoes and a pearls. My date is sorta-punk rock. I have layered, brown, shoulder length hair with side-bangs and I need to put it up. I am doing my hair myself and i am not very good at doing hair. What style should i go for?

I have a winter formal tonigh; how should I do my hair?

you should curl it and then put in up in a clip. but have a piece of that side bang haging down put like swayed on your face so its outta the way.. but keep it non curled!

I have a winter formal tonigh; how should I do my hair?

Put it up in a messy bun and use some cool hair clips, that'll work.

I have a winter formal tonigh; how should I do my hair?

If you normally wear your hair down, do a style that's mostly down. Same if you wear it up most of the time. Try not to look too different from your every day self. And try not to do anything complicated because it will only frustrate you and ruin the night. My advice is to surf the web on easy to do hairstyles and ask someone to help. I hope you have a great night!

I have a winter formal tonigh; how should I do my hair?

put it half up half down, ill find a picture for you because its hard to explain.

except your hair isn't curly and you have side bangs, so just imagine this girl with side bangs and straight hair! lol

I have a winter formal tonigh; how should I do my hair?

since its layered i think you should let it dry wavy and parted on the side and then you should curl every other layer with a 3 inch curling iron and then pull the side top layer back with a cute clip

Whats the best style and color for wavy/curly hair?

I have long, curly, kinda wavy hair, and I want to get it cut this spring but I haven't found any cute styles. I have a punk/goth look and I'd like my hair to express who I am in some way.


Whats the best style and color for wavy/curly hair?

i think keep it long.

i loovee long wavy/curly hair :D

Whats the best style and color for wavy/curly hair?

are you a goth then cut it like short and have one side long other short and then colour it pink and black

Whats the best style and color for wavy/curly hair?

black hair with red streaks get it cut up to your shoulder.

Ok so im getting my hair cut i dont kno wat to do!?

i wasnt it to be like emo/punk/scence/rock kool like

i have longish hair now i dont want it to be too short but shorter how should it look ? pics if possible (like so i can see wat the different styles are) plz help!

Ok so im getting my hair cut i dont kno wat to do!?

If you want your hair medium shortish and not too "in your face" then try this:

Heres a shoulder length do with highlights that looks pretty good:

If you've got dark hair or dyed hair then have a look at this:

This girl did this haircut herself and it looks pretty good and shouldn't be impossible for you either:

Theres a few for you to look at and maybe consider.

Also if you want to solidify the emo/scene look then just wear some dark mascara and eye shadow.

Hope this helps %26lt;3

Cyarrr =]

Ok so im getting my hair cut i dont kno wat to do!?

you should try choppy bangs, choppy long layers, dark color, etc. heres a couple examples:

good luck!

Hair tips pls.?

i need to get a new hair doo. i love having my hair layered , suits me good, but im more of a punk chic. so i hve issues with keepin my hair short or long, love long hair, but my ends always stick outwards n stuff, can nvr get em to go the way i want em too. i have straight hair and its always messy even tho i brush it so many times. wha do i do? thanx.

Hair tips pls.?

Well since i am guy i will give you a tip what guys like mostly. Guys really like gals with long, and smooth hair, but make sure when you kiss them move your hair!!!!

Hair tips pls.?

one word BANGS!

try side bangs or layers bangs.

they're both cute.

and a shaggy look is always good for the punk girls.


have fun trying things out!

Hair tips pls.?

maybe try not to put so many layerrs in. maybe thats why ur ends stick out. or don't brush it so much. maybe you should ask ur hairdresser

Hair tips pls.?

Highlights can add texture to your hair, making straight hair easier to syle. Sounds like you need better shampoo %26amp; conditioner otherwise it won't matter what the cut is.

Hair tips pls.?

If you like the "punk" look, how about short? Really short. off the ears so it doesn't stick out, tapered up the back, with length enough on top to goop up and spike?

Hair tips pls.?

use pink oil moisterizer it works buy it from the dollar store

Japanese punk hairstyle???

im looking for a japanese punk hairstyle thats in layers and two pieces of hair on each side hanging down from the neck and a short layers on top..can someone send me a site of the picture or the actual picture....i really need a new style

Japanese punk hairstyle???

I love your idea for the cut, it's off beat and i'm sure you will be completely original in a sea of clones. However, I can't find a picture! Sorry.

I have a emo haircut like right above the shoulder with bangs how can i turn it into a punk haircut

yeah well i hateeeeeeeeeeeee my emo hair how can I turn it into punk???

I have a emo haircut like right above the shoulder with bangs how can i turn it into a punk haircut for school

spike it with some gel

You can do just about anything with gel that makes it more punk. Have fun with it.

I have a emo haircut like right above the shoulder with bangs how can i turn it into a punk haircut for school


Dye the tips some standoutish color (like electric blue/pink/bright green/purple). If you don't wanna dye semi-permanently, then just take that colorful hairspray people use for Halloween or something. Then gel the ends into spikes.

Good luck =)

I have a emo haircut like right above the shoulder with bangs how can i turn it into a punk haircut for school

I have the same problem but what helped me was the works of gel and hairspray you'll be surprised at what it can do.HAVE FUN! maybe some streaks in your hair might help. good luck.

I have a emo haircut like right above the shoulder with bangs how can i turn it into a punk haircut for school

Shave it except for just one streak, dye it, gel,spray, more gel, more spray.Pierce something,wear chains, read A ClockWork Orange, say things like Droogs, Horrowshow,Viddy,Gulliver. Right right?? Right right.

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

ok so for graduation i want to die my hair orange.... im going for a more punk sort of look. do you think orange is the right color?

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

if ur determined to go orange try a redder side of the orange and add red and brownish highlights i think that would look punk yet still stylish totally awesome and a nice memory for your graduation

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

Like a blonde dye job gone bad.

I don't think.

At the most pink highlights or something.

What do you think of ORANGE hair?


youll either look like a ginger kid or a bleching accident

go platinum blonde

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

No. Orange is just plain weird. If you want to look punk, then I suggest getting colored highlights in funky colors such as green and pink, as these two colors are more traditional to the punk look. Dying it all orange would look silly, and you'd get teased beyond belief. You'd also regret it too.

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

Oh No do not get orange hair color! It usually looks horrible if you do want orange get orange highlights way cuter and your hair will stand out!

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

what kind of orange? thats real original, I dunno it might look good...?

What do you think of ORANGE hair?


What do you think of ORANGE hair?

no because people will just think that you messed up dying it blonda of red go for like a lavender.

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

no i did green because i alos wanted a punk look it turned out so great

What do you think of ORANGE hair?


It really depends on the orange.

Like if your trying to look like Hayley Williams them you really need to do it the right way, otherwise it won't look good.

And also, in your question you stated that you are going for the "punk" look....

What did you mean by that??

You kinda sound like a posuer.



Why not try be yourself??

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

Blond and red give you that orangish color but orange is not punky and it sucks. If you want a soft punk look go to a dark violet. Classy yet not fire crotchy. Perfect =)

What do you think of ORANGE hair?

like blond die gone bad!! don't do it, pls pls pls!! u would b called carrot head or something!!

Emo/ punk hairstyles?

ok my bf wants to go get his hair cut so that it looks more emo or punk but it is curly and kind of layered from the last time he got his hair cut... his hair comes past his ears on the sides but just barely and in the front his hair almost goes to his eyes... he wants to stop it from being curly if we can.. anyways if you have any ideas please tell me.. thanks... ooh and pics would be really helpful if you have them

Emo/ punk hairstyles?

hmm my boyfriend has emo/punk hair he either uses gel if its curly that morning you can go to the stylest to straighten it for like a month but he could just straighten it all he needs to go is have bangs covering his eye/eyes heres what if could look like heres my boyfriend he has pretty emo hair but it kinda gets annoying after awhile cause u cant see his eyes

Emo/ punk hairstyles?

umm does he mind getting up early and straightening his hair...emo+curly=no solution

Emo/ punk hairstyles?

ok i have a boyfriend like that one he can grow out his curls and come it back underneth so it is not like and afro more like a sgy one it lokes pretty cool or tell him to use his emaginsion hat is what emos do

Emo/ punk hairstyles?

STRIGHTNER!!! my hair when i dont straighten it is so wild.. and nappy and frizzy and wavy... use strighting shampoos, and then after use a strightener to dry it. i love mine, its by Remington and its called wet to dry.

Emo/ punk hairstyles?

they have lots of pics and also dye jobs

best of luck

Monday, July 27, 2009

How do i spike my hair??????

hey i wanted to know how i can spike my hair in a cool messy sorta way , kinda one that looks punk and hot?

i know i should use hair glue but what can i do with gel?

and HOW do i do it like on the top part u know

How do i spike my hair??????

Hair gel will only hold spikes as long as it isn't touched or rubbed. As soon as you break the dried gel, the hair will fall (in clumps). If you want to avoid this, you MUST use hair glue. It is fairly expensive to pay for it, but it lasts a very long time. You can probably glue your hair every day for 3 months with the same tube.

To apply gel or glue to hair, squeeze a dime sized dollop in your palm, and spread in both palms by rubbing together lightly. Them spread into your hair by grabbing handfulls of your hair in each fist and lifting out and away from the head. Keep on doing this until all the hair is covered, and all the gel or glue is gone.

Then using the first two fingers of each hand, and the thumb, separate out a small section of hair and twist and pull it out away from the head. This will give you pointy spikes. It is easier to start at the forehead and work your way back, spiking as you go.

This method will take you quite a long time in the beginning, but when you get used to it, and can do this easily with both hands, it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to completely spike your hair.

If you want a real punk look, buying coloured hair glue will give you this look much more easily than any other way available.

How do i spike my hair??????

Lick your finger and stick it in to an electrical outlet - works like a charm.

How do i spike my hair??????

Haven't you seen Something about Mary?

How do i spike my hair??????

Pomade is the only way to go if u wanna seriously spike it. This stuff is the best.

How do i spike my hair?????? every time.

How do i spike my hair??????

Put your finger into a electric generator then your hair will spike up

How do i spike my hair??????

you gotta get like hair wax or i know this dude who uses that white school glue. then you just spike it.

How do i spike my hair??????

Butch wax.

How do i spike my hair??????

you get your hair wet and put gel on your hands and mess your hair up untill you think it looks good

How do i spike my hair??????

get alot of gel and lather it all over and put it the way tht u want it to look like and then wait 30 minutes and then you are done

How do i spike my hair??????

Get a (hard) hair gel !!!!

How do i spike my hair??????

it depends on what type of hair you have if you have alot of natural curl then spikey is not your thing but if you have straight hair all it takes is a little gel and blowing it dry with the diffuser on your dryer so u can control one area at a time and if u have any more questions then u need to go to a stylists and let them explain it to u

How do i spike my hair??????

all you have to do is get a good amount of gel on your fingers and start rubbing it in your hair and as you're rubbing it in pull at the hair that you want spiked up. get it the way you want it should stay that way until you wash it out.

How do i spike my hair??????

use a light gell and use a come and come is backwards and yous your fingers

What spiked hair style should I get?

I want a punk-ish style but id ont ahve long hair..what color aswell.

What spiked hair style should I get?

get a buzz cut then dye it or try to get a fo hawk

What spiked hair style should I get?

spikey hair is kind of out

Crazy funky hair is what i want plz help?

I have a haircut next week and I really want something different and really really wicked. Like kinda punk almost, i have some blue in my hair right now. Any suggestions would be awesome! thanx so much for now!

Crazy funky hair is what i want plz help?

very chunky ..well how long is ur hair?.....if its long get it short........if its short.....spike it!

What hair cut should i get? (pix included)?

want a cute punk/emo looki got THICK brown krinckle curly hair but i straighten it a lot i cant die it tho

What hair cut should i get? (pix included)?

I recently got my hair cut this way.

Not the coloring, just the style and shape.

I have thick, blonde, curly hair.

I have never died or bleached it and it really looks cute.

My hairdresser told me that i have to straighten it

every day if i want it to look good.

She created lots of choppy crazy layers

and I LOVE IT!

My favorite part are the bangs :D

there is a picture.

What hair cut should i get? (pix included)?

i have a heart shape face too. you shpould get drastic bangs that part on the side. get choppy layers all around and a side part that should pull off the emo look with out dying your hair black

Punk joke......?

This punk gets on the bus. He has bright blue hair sticking up all over the place, a green jacket that閳ユ獨 cut into shreds, skin-tight red trousers and a pair of yellow shoes. The passengers look at him for a moment but don閳ユ獩 take too much notice......exept for one old chap that can閳ユ獩 take his eyes of him.

Eventually the punk gets fed up of the old man閳ユ獨 stares and goes up to him and says 閳ユ凡hat閳ユ獨 your problem old man閳?? 閳ユ罚o offence intended閳?said the old man 閳ユ窔t閳ユ獨 just that a few years ago, when I was in the navy, I became stranded on this desert island and one day, when I was a bit desperate, I had sex with a parrot and well........I was just wondering if you were my son.

Punk joke......?

haha rotfl excellent joke man

my parrot died after a huge feed of polyfilla lol

Punk joke......?


thats funny but it's a bit mean towards punks Report It

Punk joke......?

good 1 man....:)) lol

Punk joke......?

thats one weird old man. great joke