Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Girls dressing emo/punk?

how can i dress mildly but not fully emo/punk? i'm a girl by the way... i have long dirty blonde hair with a sideish part but i'm getting it cut soon. what is the best looking way to cut my hair but and dress without going full blown emo/punk, just mild? i love the look but i don't know how to do it... i was thinking maybe side bangs? pictures if you would please! thanks

Girls dressing emo/punk?

check out this forum for "emo" info...there`s a bunch of "emo" hairstyles too...

Girls dressing emo/punk?

Try layering your hair choppy, but not short with side bangs. And you can wear black nail polish and black t-shirts with jeans without looking emo. You can also get the smokey-eye look going.

Girls dressing emo/punk?

Neither...Atheletic or Preppy

Girls dressing emo/punk?

AHH Come on don't go Emo ppl will just make fun of u... and say some $hit like go cut ur wrists....y won't u become a chick O-M-G THAT ALL RYMED



Girls dressing emo/punk?

Your a wanna be emo chick. I hate them. My friend Tina thinks shes emo, its so annoying. Youll know if your emo. You seem to happy %26gt;(

The avatar aint mine its a friends...I dont smile unless I am watching Comedy Central or Listening to music.

~Kim on Jazzs acc

Girls dressing emo/punk?

OK so I really dont like punk but I am sortof into emo. The key is wild colors that don't really go together or @ least you wouldnt think it would look good together. Like mustard yellow and tourqouise. or Brown, yellow and red! Just put on unmatching things!

Girls dressing emo/punk?

I'm glad you love the look. That's great for you. But your wardrobe should match your personality, not the other way around. If you decide one day "Oh. I'm going to dress emo today" people are gonna be like wow what a poser. and they're going to hate you for it.

Emo is not a style. It's a personality trait. Emo is short for emotional- I know, shocker! Don't try to be something your not. wow, corny. but true.

Girls dressing emo/punk?

If Emo is what you want to be, go nuts!! Have a ball expressing yourself, but that's what you need to do, express YOURSELF not somebody else. If you are looking for some ideas, search the net, there are heaps of pics and you can also find out a bit more about it before you go there. But ignore all the tossers having a go at the Emo style, its about you and how you want to portray and express yourself.

Girls dressing emo/punk?

Try layering your hair choppy, And you can wear skinny jeans. You can also get the smokey-eye look going.

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