Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I'd say hip-hop. Punk rock is alright but I don't hate it as much as I hate the goth look.

Punk rock is kind of not my think with the

spiky hair

coloring your hair

The goth look is kind of tacky to me,come on only wearing black.

Im not all about the hip hop look,but punk rock and goth make the hip hop look pretty classy.Hope I did'nt offend anyone,just speaking my mind.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

Rock Goth put together. I think just about anyone dressed like this is sexy male or female. Tattoos and percings are the hottes thing.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I say hip hop. I think its the best. U match and u can mix with all kind of styles and it looks good

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

Hip Hop you dont stop.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i like punk rock

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I like the punk-rock and hip hop look but i dont have either i just have my won style

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i personally love rock and not too much of anything else

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

the hip hop look is the sexiest and best look

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

The goth look all the way, although I do like some parts of the punk look...ooh, like the spiky hair. Love it, but overall I'd go with goth.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i am pretty preppy looking but i like punk rock,

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?


Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

Just be yourself dude.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?


Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

i don't know if i prefer punk rock or goth, but certainly the one that i really don't like is the hip hop look

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I would have to say a mix because sticking to one is not me. I dont want to look like a hip hop video ho, but I dont want to look depressed, but I dont want to look like I have done nothing with my life so i would have to say mix it up to look good and stable.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

according to the person some look hot hip hop some look better punk. I personaly like a mix between prep and punk kinda look.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

F**K em all i mean really do you wanna look like you just robbed a liquor store or an Emo or even worse a satanist?!! man dont idol looks

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I'd say a unique look is the best. Someone that doesn't follow a style.

Trying to conform to a stereotype is boring and people like that tend to look like every advertisement promoting that particular clothing brand.I'd rather not be a walking ad for a brand of clothing.

People that follow the crowd often get lost in it.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I think goth is way sexier.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

I'd have to say that the look I would prefer would be the conservative look. This look makes you look intelligent and shows alot of class. You can even look sexy dressed conservative. You are more likely to be treated with respect and be listened to and nobody could judge without getting to know you because they wouldn't be able to tell what kind of person you are.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

All those tribes are good lookin' in their own peculiar way.I admire the punk rockers for their unique decor,but I wouldn't wear any of the three because I'm just a normal"rocker",myself.I do love the look of the Goths,they are perfect in all their lovely looks-Vampire perfect.The rappers maintain a clever blend of denim w/ undershirts and Gold chains,the wealthy poor.

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?

hip hop all da way...i think its really cool and lets u express urself

Which do you prefer the Hip-hop,punk rock,or goth look?


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