Monday, July 27, 2009

Are there any punk hair styles for naturally curly hair?

I have naturally curly brown hair.. its pretty.. but plain.. and i want to do something exciting too it.. i dress slightly on the alternative side.. band t-shirts and what not.. but i cant pull off any of the funky cuts or scene do's and im too chicken to temporarily dye my hair in case i hate it and it wont completely fade. SUGGESTIONS!??!

Are there any punk hair styles for naturally curly hair?

OMG you are like my TWIN i have exactly the same taste and exactly the same problem. what i've found is you really have to get rid of dead ends fast. the second they appear they ruin everyhing. what i do is i got bangs straight across my eyebrow, and I straighten just them. then i let the rest of my hair go wild. it looks sooooo cool. i would not suggest dyeing your hair because for me i used black semi permanent and it never came out so now i'm stuck w/ it. so that is my suggestion. the great thing about it is so many people just straighten all of their hair, but that doesn't look very orginal. it is good to know there are other people out there who feel like i do. goo luck with you hair. maybe someday i'll see someone with rocker curly hair and it'l be you.

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